Thursday, November 11, 2010

Student Government Part 2: Meet Your Student Body Officers

The executive branch of Baylor's student government is comprised of student body officers, class officers and the president and external vice president's cabinet.

Baylor's executive branch of student government is run by the student body officers.Each officer is elected in the spring and serves for a term of one year. All of the positions must be filled by a student of upper level standing.

The 2010-2011 student body officers include President Michael Wright, External Vice President Cristina Galvan and Internal Vice President Michael Lyssy. Who are the people behind each office? Let's take a look at the current student body officers.

Michael Wright

Baylor's student government page describes the position of the student body president.

"The chief executive officer of student government and the official spokesman of the Baylor student body to all Baylor constituencies, the public and media, and other colleges and universities. This position also advises class officers and the rest of the executive branch," student government said.

Michael Wright is currently serving as student body president. He is a senior Business Fellows and Economics major from Houston. He has served on student senate for two years prior to becoming internal vice president last year. His experience and drive led him to be elected for student body president in the spring.

His email address is

Feel free to email him any concerns regarding the Baylor community.

Cristina Galvan

 Cristina Galvan currently serves as external vice president in Baylor's student government.

The External Vice President builds relationships between Baylor and the Waco community, the Big 12, the student body and the Alumni Association.

Cristina helped organize the Big 12 student government conference in November. She is also working on tutoring program between Baylor and Waco ISD.

Michael Lyssy

Michael Lyssy serves as the head of student senate and a liaison between the legislative branch and the executive branch in his position of internal vice president. 

Michael served a student senator for two years before taking office in the spring. He is a junior majoring  Intensive International Studies.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baylor Student Government: Part 1

Founded in 1913, Student government is an essential, active and working part of the student body. Student government is organized into three main branches along the same lines as the United States government. Each branch is designed to address the needs and concerns of the student body in a specific and distinct way, through an organized system of representation
Senate in session
Student government members at banquet
Student government is responsible for representing the voice of the Baylor student body on campus. They partner with the Board of Regents, administration, faculty & staff and alumni to ensure students are included in the decision making process.

Student government provides students a chance to gain leadership experience while acting as the voice of the student body.

Members are elected in the spring at Diadeloso and serve for a term of one year.