Brian Kim on steps of Pat Neff. |
Brian Kim is a sophomore senator on Baylor University’s Student Senate. He recently was appointed as Public Relations Chair on Senate Executive Council, making him the youngest member on the council. Kim is a very busy young man. Upon arriving to the interview, he rushed into the library frantically looking for where to meet me. When he finally realized where I was sitting, he apologized for his tardiness and commented on his meeting running late. I noticed that he had lots of papers spread out in front of him. I asked if he had an exam this week. He said that it was all for student government. This was actually his calm week academically; on the contrary, it was not the same for senate. During the time we were together, he received several phone calls regarding senatorial matters, which he answered on his Bluetooth headset.
When asked to describe himself in one word, Kim uncertainly responded, “Dedicated.” To say that he is simply dedicated would be an understatement. Dedication has been the theme of Kim's life since his early life. Born in Korea, Kim and his family moved to Houston, Texas, at the age of 11. When talking to Kim you might notice a slight accent, but otherwise you would not realize that he moved to America only eight years ago. Besides a few classes that he took as a child in Korea, Kim came to America virtually speaking no English. Even with the language barrier, he dedicated himself to his studies and excelled academically.
“I like to get my work done in an organized fashion,” he said. “No procrastination. [Being dedicated] keeps me motivated through college.”
Kim attributes his academic drive to his family. His father was a CEO in Korea, but he gave up their stable life to move to America for his son to have a good education. This sacrifice pushes him to achieve greatness.
“I'm the only child. I have to be successful. Their entire life is dedicated to me,” Kim said.
But even with his parents pushing him to do his best and become successful, Kim never feels overly pressured.
“My parents are not the typical Asian parents,” Kim said. “They are never like 'Get an A! Go to this school!' Especially my mom, she is really lenient and always asks my opinion on what I want to do. She trusts me.”
With his parents’ full support, Kim went on to attend Baylor University in Waco,Texas, after graduating from Memorial High School in Houston, Texas. After not participating in leadership roles in high school, he decided to get involved on campus. He tried Mock Trial, but realized that Senate was the right place for him.
Brian Kim at desk in Student Government office. |
“I joined Senate because I wanted to be the voice for my constituents’ voice,” Kim said.
His goal was obviously achieved, when he was ranked No.1 in the voting polls during his re-election. This achievement is due heavily to the fact that he is such a warm and caring individual.
A sophomore at Baylor from Albany,Ga., Kaitlin Daugherty said, “[Brian Kim is] very outgoing and maintains friendships with outstanding people.”
His outgoing personality and overall dedication to Senate lead to his appointment of Public Relations Chair on SEC making him the youngest member to serve on the council. He looks at the older council members for guidance, but he also admits that it can be intimidating being the youngest on the council.
“It is very overwhelming with the older senators, especially during debates,” Brian said.
However, he does not let the intimidation shake him from speaking his mind.
He confidently stated, “I am not hesitant to voice my opinion.”
This take-charge attitude is one of his strongest assets when leading the Public Relations Committee. He combines his charisma with professionalism that yields success.
Brian Kim and sophomore class president Briana Treadway at Senate Banquet |
Fellow member on the committee from Houston,Texas, James Mai said that “Brian Kim is very on top of what he does. He strives to get you on the same level and push you forward.”
While Kim is aspiring others to push theirselves and expect more in their futures, he also has big plans for himself. Senate has opened his eyes to the world of politics. Despite his current major of Marketing, he hopes to one day be a diplomat or another position in the government field. Whatever Kim decides to do, it will be done with excellence and dedication. His friends support him and say very positive things about him.
“When I first met him in senate, we were destined to be best friends.” Sophomore class president and close friend of Kim Briana Treadway said. “Brian is a very smart gentleman that loves to be involved. He’s always willing to help in time of need.”
Kim knows that all that he has accomplished would not have happened if not for his parents’ decision to come to America. He calls the move his most defining moment.
Kim said, “I am so thankful to have come to America. My life would have been so different if I had stayed in Korea.”